The Most Common Antibiotic Prescribed Among the Paediatric Population
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Objective: To gain a thorough understanding of antibiotic prescribing trends in the pediatric population.
Method: The study was designed as a prospective observational study to collect various data from pediatric patients in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of antibiotic prescription trends in pediatrics.
Result & conclusion: Data was collected from 90 pediatric patients, 41.1% (n = 37) of whom were male and 58.8% (n = 53) of whom were female. Antibiotics were prescribed to 71.1% (n = 64) of children, 17.7% (n = 16) of adolescents, and 10% (n = 9) of infants for the treatment of various infections. About 24.4% (n = 22) of patients were admitted to the hospital for three days, while 22.2% (n = 20) were only admitted for two days. The most common antibiotic prescribed by pediatricians is penicillin, which accounts for 46.6% (n = 42) of the total, followed by cephalosporin, which is seen in 35.5% (n = 32) of cases. By analyzing the prescription pattern of antibiotic use, it was discovered that the majority of patients, 66.7% (n = 60), received monotherapy, while 33.3% (n = 30) received dual therapy.
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