Factors Leading to Sport Injuries in the Lebanese Premier League Players: A Cross-Sectional Study
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Background: Soccer is the most popular sport worldwide, and soccer-related injuries are very common, they have a substantial impact on individual’s financial and economic costs, as well as its effect on the national and international health quality.
Objective: To increase the awareness about the factors that lead to sport injuries for the Lebanese Premier League Football.
Method: A cross sectional study, consists of, 72 Players that have been enrolled and filled a survey after getting access from the Lebanese Football Association. These surveys have been categorized as (Demographics, Players’ lifestyle, Professional career, and Previous medical history).
Result: 30.56% of Lebanese players work alongside playing football. Moreover, the majority of players switch shoes twice per season only. Furthermore 75% of the players were previously more prone to injuries, and 16.17% of the injuries were a ligamentous injury. Finally, most of the Lebanese stadiums are of artificial grass putting players at a high risk of injury.
Conclusion: Different factors affect the rate of injury. Mainly, the lack of proper warming up and cooling down period.
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