The Assessment of Liver Disease Utilizing a Panel of Liver Function Tests
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Liver is a vital organ in the body that perform very important functions to keep health hemostasis. Liver function tests are a group of tests that determine the liver health in physiological and pathological conditions. The main objectives of the present study were to assess liver function using a panel of liver function tests among a sample of liver patients and to compare their levels with a sample of subjects who had no liver disease. To achieve the study objectives, we analyzed a dataset posted on Kaggle. The dataset described Indian liver patients and included 583 subjects among which 414 patients with liver disease and 167 subjects without liver disease. The results showed that demographic variables including age and gender were predictors of liver disease. On the other hand, liver function tests including bilirubin, ALT, AST, albumin, albumin globulin ratio, alkaline phosphatase were significantly associated with liver disease. The level of total proteins was not significantly associated with liver disease. Taken together, liver function tests can be used to assess liver disease. The interpretation of total proteins and AST should be considered with cautious
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