Formulation and Physical Stability Test Evaluations of Golden Sea Cucumber Extract Gel (Sticopus Hermanii) as Anti Periodontitis using Variations in Base Concentration
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The prevalence of periodontitis is still quite high, which is about 74.1%. Periodontitis therapy is currently a combination of root debridement and antibiotica is still not satisfactory, especially for severe periodontitis and systemic diseases. Golden sea cucumber is a natural ingredient of marine life containing proteins and active ingredients that function as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The goal in this study was to test the formulation and physical stability of the gold sea cucumber extract gel preparation (Sticopus Hermanii) as an anti-periodontitis using variations in gel base concentrations. Gold sea cucumber extract gel with HPMC is tested formulation, stability, pH and viscosity. Stability test at weeks 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 checked for changes in consistency, color, odor stability testing using climatic chamber pH test using pH meter. Viscosity test is performed in Week 1. Measurements by using LVDV-E type Brookfiled viscometers with spindles The best stability test is obtained on formulas with HPMC 5%, the highest pH obtained on formulas with a CMC base of 3% and obtained at the measurement of the 8th week is 8. The results of the optimasi test resulted in a concentration of 5% HPMC that met organoleptic, pH, stability and viscosity tests.
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