The Role of Color Doppler Ultrasonography in the Prevention of Thromboembolic Disease after Total Hip Replacement
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Orthopedic and trauma surgery carries a high risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the lower limbs and acute pulmonary embolism (APE). In traumatology, the greatest risk is in hip fractures of the proximal extremity of the femur, especially those of the neck, and intertrochanteric fractures. In orthopedics the risk of thromboembolic complications (TEC) is particularly high in hip and knee surgery, especially in prosthetic replacement, as general factors are associated with local factors such as trauma to vessels and / or blood stasis which further aggravate the perioperative imbalance of the coagulation system. In particular, hip replacement surgery is the one that shows a higher frequency of DVT (especially affecting the proximal large vessels), and of TEC, so much so that pulmonary embolism is one of the main causes of death after this intervention. In this paper, we review the different instruments used for the diagnosis of DVT such as phlebography, radiolabeled fibrinogen collection test, impedance, plethysmography, ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance and computed tomography. We also discuss the different prophylaxis methods for DVT and subsequent PE prevention. Then, we performed an experimental study on 420 patient’s operated on for total hip replacement at the 1st Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Florence and other private clinics in the period between 1994-1996. These are 286 first cemented implants, 36 first hybrid implants, 38 first cementless implants and 60 hip replacement reviews. This study showed the importance of color doppler ultrasonography in the prevention of DVT in hip replacement patients and subsequent APE prophylaxis. Significant relationship was found between APE and the protocole used to follow up with the patients (Pvalue 0.0007). Patients in group 2 in which only clinical control (no preoperative color doppler ultrasonography assessment) was performed have higher risk for APE To Occur Than patients in group 1 to whom pre and post-operative color doppler ultrasonography was routinely applied.
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