Evaluation of Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of Garcinia Kola on Testicular Morphology of Adult Male Wistar Rats'
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Despite its medicinal value, bitter kola is known as a prayer nut, and traditional lifestyle has brought us much food, such as "chewing of bitter kola and its resources." Thirty-five male Wistar rats weighing between 160. to 200.g were divided into seven groups based on weight similarity. For 21 days, Group A was the control and was given only rat meal and water ad libitum, Group B (LDAEG) and C (HDAEG) were given500mg/kg and 1000mg/kg of G. kola aqueous extract, Group D (LDEEG) and E (HDEEG) were given500mg/kg and 1000mg/kgof G. kola ethanolic extract, and Group F (LDAEEG) and G (HDAEEG) were co-treated with 500mg/kg and 1000mg/kg of G. kola aqueous and ethanolic extracts respectively. The rats were weighed and sacrificed on day 21, and their testes were harvested and fixed for histological studies. SPSS version 23 was used to analyse the data, and each group's mean and standard deviation were calculated. Our findings show that the experimental group had a considerable rise in body weight above the control group. The histological results of the testes showed normal features in the control group and mild inactive seminiferous tubules in the test groups. According to our findings, bitter kola has no negative effects on the Wistar rats' testes, especially when taken in low doses.
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